Friday, June 25, 2004

Iraq - al Qaeda Link Uncovered by Clinton Administration
By Guest Blogger - Charles Wilhelm

According to an article in The Washington Times, the links between al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein's regime were originally uncovered by the Clinton Administration:

The Clinton administration talked about firm evidence linking Saddam Hussein's regime to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network years before President Bush made the same statements.

The issue arose again this month after the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States reported there was no "collaborative relationship" between the old Iraqi regime and bin Laden.

Democrats have cited the staff report to accuse Mr. Bush of making inaccurate statements about a linkage. Commission members, including a Democrat and two Republicans, quickly came to the administration's defense by saying there had been such contacts.

In fact, during President Clinton's eight years in office, there were at least two official pronouncements of an alarming alliance between Baghdad and al Qaeda. One came from William S. Cohen, Mr. Clinton's defense secretary. He cited an al Qaeda-Baghdad link to justify the bombing of a pharmaceutical plant in Sudan.

Mr. Bush cited the linkage, in part, to justify invading Iraq and ousting Saddam. He said he could not take the risk of Iraq's weapons falling into bin Laden's hands.

Read the rest!

So this information was good intel when Clinton bombed the pharmaceutical plant in Sudan, but when Bush uses it to invade Iraq it is suddenly all lies and fabrications? Unbelievable.


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